Ensuring Fair Wage Practices for Manual Workers in New York: A Case Study of Success with Attorney Justin M. Cordello


In several recent legal actions manual workers in New York who are paid on a bi-weekly basis have secured significant monetary settlements. New York Labor Law is clear that manual workers include “a mechanic, workingman or laborer,” who spends more than 25% of working time engaged in physical labor. Common tasks classified as physical labor include heaving lifting, stocking shelves, unpacking boxes and bagging purchases, cleaning, and standing and walking for long periods of time. The term manual worker can therefore refer to individuals working in retail, customer service, and other fields.

Key Questions from Plaintiff:

  • Who is considered a manual worker for purposes of New York Labor Law?
  • Why don’t employers in New York pay manual workers on a weekly basis?
  • How can manual workers in New York move forward with a claim if they are paid on bi-weekly basis?


Through persistent legal representation by Justin M. Cordello, the cases on behalf of manual workers have resulted in favorable outcomes. The courts in New York have recognized manual workers’ right to be paid their wages on a weekly basis as opposed to being paid every other week. These cases make it clear that manual workers are protected by New York Labor Law and the courts do not hesitate to hold employers accountable.

Manual Workers

Eligible employees 

Weekly Basis

When wages are due 

$Millions in Penalties

Compensation owed to manual workers 

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